Some of the pics will Biggie-Size if you click them.
Review all the entries below and make a note of the ONE pipe that if you could, you would love to add it to your personal pipe rack. (Note, you will not win the pipe!) Once you've made your choice, click this link to cast your vote:
Make sure to click the "Read More" link on the bottom of the post to see ALL of the entries.
Entry A (below): SparkysPipes.
See Scott's Supporting video here:
Entry B (below): Joe Case.
Joe did a great how-to video on a different cob than his entry, but it's worth watching:
Entry C (below): Chris Morgan
See Chris' supporting video here:
Entry D (below): Riccardo Santia
See Riccardo's supporting video here:
Entry E (below): Basil Meadows
Note: Basil has two entries.
See Basil's supporting video here:
Entry F (below): Basil Meadows
Note: Basil has two entries.
Entry G (below): Brian Cantley
"It is a Missouri Meerschaum I bought at my local shop, I cut out the standard change and bought a ear of corn shucked it and cut of the actual corn, then I dried the cob, whittled it as far as I could, coated it with plaster of Paris then sanded it then applied carnuba wax and attached it and whittled a mouth piece from a dowel."
Entry H (below): John Barrett
John shared about his pipe: "The Cob was Panel shaped, smoothed and waxed. Fitted with a hand shaped black walnut shank I decided to just use a Missouri Meerschaum Danish Bit as i really like these for form and comfort (and hey this is going to be my pipe and I am smoking it) Final touches to the pipe included a special treatment Jack Daniels Honey Whiskey."
Entry I (below): Jeremiah Sandahl
"I call this the "Blowcob" because I modified the bowl to be more or less a blowfish shape. I made a briar reverse calabash shank and a hand-cut vulcanite stem, which is permanently epoxied to the shank."
Entry J (below): Rod (aka: 978Good on Youtube)
Talk about a class act. Rod has actually not sold any of his pipes, but because he's been posting videos of his pipe making exploits he voluntarily put himself into the Pro class to prevent any concerns from the competition. You must watch the support video to see what Rod did to make his pipe come to life:
OK, now scroll back to the top of this post and click the link to vote for your top choice amoung the pro entries. Thanks for participating! Scott and Jandy
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